Retirement insights from a Colorado PERA perspective

News You Should Know

News You Should Know: What’s in the SECURE Act 2.0?

Federal legislation

What’s in the New SECURE Act 2.0? | The National Association of Plan Advisors

A bill known as the “SECURE Act 2.0” looks to build on last year’s SECURE Act, which altered a number of retirement-related laws. The bipartisan legislation passed the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously, a big step in its final passage. Changes the bill would make if it becomes law include:

  • Making auto-enrollment in 401(k) and 403(b) the norm, with a minimum amount of at least 3%.
  • Automatically increasing contribution amounts by 1% every year until contributions reach 10%.
  • Individuals have the option to opt out. Current 401(k) and 403(b) plans are grandfathered in. And small businesses, new businesses, church plans, and governmental plans are exempt.
  • Allows an employer to help employees pay off student loans, treating this assistance as if it were matching contributions to a retirement plan.

5 Mistakes Couples Make When Planning for Retirement | AARP

Money disagreements are common among partners. In fact, a 2018 study suggested that about four in ten divorced Gen Xers and three in ten divorced Baby Boomers cited money differences as a reason for their marriage ending. The most common problem areas have nothing to do with dollars and cents and everything to do with communication. When you think about your road to retirement, follow this advice to make sure that your road and your partner’s road are headed in the same direction.

What Motherhood Taught Me About Money: 8 Moms Weigh In | Mooresville Tribune

In recognition of Mother’s Day, this article compiles advice from mothers around the country. Some common themes are found throughout, including a more focused approach to planning for the future and understanding the value of the present.

Health Care Costs in Retirement Remain a Top Stressor | Plan Sponsor

Health care costs are a top fear for soon-to-be retirees. However, most people haven’t spent time planning for this expense, according to a recent report from Fidelity. While rising prices do present a serious issued, there are steps people can take. Building up a health savings account during your working years can yield additional resources in your retirement years due to the tax savings. And retirees should spend time during open enrollment evaluating their options: The plan that worked for you one year might not be the best fit now.

News You Should Know is a digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.


  1. David S Prok says:

    Some I know say PERA will always be here for us!
    You should know how important it is forall of us to rely on our monthly pension to survive.
    What efforts are you making to address the issue with retirees who contributed to Social Security for years, as well as to PERA, and have no way to retrieve their rightful full retirement benefits because they receive a PERA benefit? Long-standing concern Congress needs to address?

  2. Steve Howard says:

    Dear Mr. Prok: As I have written before, and it may sound trite, but we, as retirees, really need to write our Congressmen and Senators about this issue. While PERA obviously has the technical information, it is really not their job to lobby for Social Security reforms; they are not a lobbying organization, other than, perhaps, the Colorado Legislature. PERA has their hands full managing PERA, truly. I wrote, and received a reply from former Senator Gardner. His reply stated his concerns about the overall health of Soc. Sec., and “not wanting to put more pressure on its already fragile state…” words to that effect. That was the emphasis; not the fact we already PAID the taxes.. If a lobbying group, (Perhaps Secure PERA(?) is such a group, NEA-RETIREE (teachers) would organize such a write-in campaign, that would be excellent. BUT, having grown up in DC, I can tell you that small, individual letters-emails are taken more seriously than any mass-emails, post cards, pre-printed by organizations. Maybe those mailings should still be listened to, but short personal letters are held with much higher regard. That’s the reality. That’s what I did with Gardner; paper, pencil, stamp, envelope…

  3. G M Santo - Not a Paid Spokesman for PERA Board & Staff (PERA B.S.) says:


    How hard is it to mail a letter… hand written even, that simply says, ” I’m a retired state government employee subject to Social Security’s GPO (and/or WEP) provisions and urge you to support repeal of the GPO & WEP by supporting H.R. – 82, The Fairness in Social Security Act of 2021;” and sign it and mail it to both of your Colorado Senators and your Congressional House District Representative?

    If you can’t figure out your elected representatives’ addresses, then get someone to look it up for you! Look what happened to Senator Gardner… Senator Who…. Right!

    Thank you Mr. Howard!

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