Retirement insights from a Colorado PERA perspective

News You Should Know

Retirement Roundup: 10 Questions Every Couple Should Ask Before Retiring

happy senior couple hiking on a mountain
Photo credit: iStock/Thinkstock

A digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.

Ask Carrie: 10 Questions Every Couple Should Ask Before Retiring | Parade

In addition to important financial questions to discuss with
your partner, this pre-retirement checklist has valuable conversation starters
that address the emotional and psychological changes that come with retirement.
Among them: How much “togetherness” do you want with your partner?

2020 Presidential Candidates’ Proposed Changes to the Social Security Retirement Program | Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College keeps track of various changes to Social Security proposed by presidential candidates. Of possible interest to PERA On The Issues readers, the list says that Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden “would eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.

Expensive Health Care? Blame The Hospitals, State Report Says | CPR

Health costs continue to be of concern to many, and costs
keep going up. A study conducted by the state’s Department of Health Care
Policy and Financing says savings can be found at hospitals. The report says hospitals
are shifting costs onto privately insured patients while still collecting
billions in profit. Hospitals say shifting costs to privately insured patients
is an unavoidable result of public insurance programs that reimburse hospitals
at low rates.

The Polis administration just cut $51 million from its budget request for Colorado’s reinsurance program | The Colorado Sun

A drop in funding for a new program often is bad news to
program supporters and can indicate a loss of political support. But the
reporter in this story says the drop in funding for Colorado’s nascent reinsurance
program is a “happy surprise.” Federal funding for the program came in above
estimates, so the price tag for Colorado has gone down.

More people are returning to work after retiring—and they’re happy about it | MarketWatch

One common hobby in retirement? Going back to work. While some go back to work for the money, this story highlights those who choose to clock in in order to give back, find meaning, and make a difference.

Windfall elimination provisionA provision of federal law that may reduce Social Security benefit payments to retirees who receive a pension based on work during which they did not contribute to Social Security. The WEP does not apply to those with 30 or more years of substantial earnings in Social Security.Government pension offsetA provision of federal law that reduces Social Security dependent benefit payments to spouses, widows, and widowers who receive a government pension like PERA.

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