Retirement insights from a Colorado PERA perspective

News You Should Know

News You Should Know: Majority of Americans Support State-Facilitated Retirement Plans

Retirement plan with banknote, glasses, and pen
Photo credit: c-George/Getty Images

Americans’ Views of State-Facilitated Retirement Programs | National Institute on Retirement Security

A growing number of states, including Colorado, have begun to develop automatic-enrollment retirement plans for people who aren’t covered by an employer-sponsored plan like a 401(k). In a national survey conducted by the National Institute on Retirement Security, an overwhelming majority of respondents said they agree that state-facilitated retirement plans are a good idea, and 75 percent said they would participate in one.

Colorado, New Mexico Partner on State IRA Programs | National Association of Plan Advisors

Colorado’s state-facilitated auto-enrollment retirement plan, the Colorado Secure Savings Program, is joining forces with New Mexico’s Work and $ave program for a first-of-its-kind partnership. Leaders from each state have signed an agreement to partner on things like plan administration, research, marketing and more. Officials say the partnership will reduce costs and create a portable plan that workers can take with them if they move.

Here Are Your New Income Tax Brackets for 2022 | CNBC

The IRS announced new federal tax brackets for 2022. While the tax rates won’t be changing, the income ranges associated with each have been adjusted to account for inflation. The IRS also announced an increase in the standard deduction.

How to Talk Money With Your Parents This Holiday | Associated Press

If you’re spending time with family this holiday season, it might be a good opportunity to discuss things like long-term care or estate planning. Here are some tips for bringing up these sometimes touchy topics.

News You Should Know is a digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.


  1. Ronald Russell says:

    Why not just expand social security to be a defined pension system and get rid of the bloated financial services sector?

    • Cindi DeBoer says:

      Social security does not pay squat. And it pays disproportionately more if you earned less, and pays you less if you earned more. It’s another wealth redistribution. No thanks!!

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