Retirement insights from a Colorado PERA perspective

Issues & Perspectives

National Institute on Retirement Security: The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think?

Earlier this summer, Colorado PERA (PERA) reported to the Legislative Audit Committee of the Colorado General Assembly that its investment portfolio earned more than 12 percent in 2012, that its unfunded liability decreased by $800 million, and that a financial audit conducted by KPMG found no significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in PERA financial reporting or controls.

Unfunded liabilityThe difference between the projected amount of money needed to pay benefits earned to date and the amount of money currently available to pay those benefits.Defined benefitAlso known as a pension, this is a type of pooled retirement plan in which the plan promises to pay a lifetime benefit to the employee at retirement. The plan manages investments on behalf of members, and the retirement benefit is based on factors such as age at retirement, years of employment and salary history.

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